Nikmat ditarik tanpa kita sedar: Rasa nikmat kehilangan gigi terutama warga emas


Waktu muda dulu, rumah kemain riuh lagi dengan gelak tawa isteri dan anak-anak. Sekarang anak semua dah besar.. Dah ada hidup sendiri dan menetap di luar negeri. Suri hati peneman sehidup semati baru sahaja menghadap Ilahi awal tahun hari tu disebabkan covid. . Tinggal lah aku si tua kesepian di rumah.. Bila rumah ni terlalu sunyi, teringat balik semua kenangan yang berlaku dalam rumah ni.. Macam mana suka duka aku dan isteri membesarkan anak-anak dari mereka bayi sehinggalah sekarang, mereka dah ada anak-anak sendiri. . Sebab itu gembira sangat bila cucu-cucu pulang ke kampung. Sedikit sebanyak dapat rasai semula cebisan [...]

Nikmat ditarik tanpa kita sedar: Rasa nikmat kehilangan gigi terutama warga emas2023-02-13T09:49:34+00:00

Implant: what is it and the advantages it has?


What is a dental implant? A dental implant is a prosthesis that replaces a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. It has components that mimic the whole tooth structure which is the root and the crown. The root portion is made out of a titanium screw that is inserted inside the jaw bone and will be used to support a crown, bridge, or denture. It looks and acts like a real tooth and with proper care and maintenance, it can last a lifetime. If a person has one or more missing teeth due to whatever reasons such as decay, trauma, [...]

Implant: what is it and the advantages it has?2022-09-19T06:30:47+00:00

Semua yang anda perlu tahu tentang Implan Pergigian


Implan gigi atau dalam bahasa english "Implants" ialah salah satu rawatan pergigian yang ada bagi menggantikan gigi yang telah hilang. Proses implan gigi ini telah diterima secara meluas oleh masyarakat disebabkan oleh keupayaanya untuk bercantum dengan tisu tulang, walaupun kosnya adalah lebih mahal tapi ia adalah yang terbaik dari segi kos dan masa. Apa itu implan gigi atau dental implant? Implant adalah sejenis bahan seperti skru yang akan diletakkan dalam tulang rahang untuk mengantikan gigi yang hilang untuk menganti akar gigi. Siapa yang perlukan implan gigi? Kepada sesiapa yang kehilangan gigi seperti kemalangan, gigi terkeluar, gigi yang patah, gigi yang [...]

Semua yang anda perlu tahu tentang Implan Pergigian2022-09-20T02:35:01+00:00

Dental Implant VS Denture: Which one should you go for? 


Implant VS Denture: Which one should you go for?  Implant and denture have very different procedures. So, whichever your decision will be, it will greatly impact your future. A lot of people would actually think twice when they know how invasive dental implants are. But, the truth about dental implants is, you’ll not feel a thing.   When you’re trying to make a decision about your dental future and don't know whether you should go for an implant or denture, consider these following factors might help..  Age Because dental implants are more permanent solutions, those in their 60s or younger may [...]

Dental Implant VS Denture: Which one should you go for? 2022-09-15T03:50:51+00:00

Dental Implant VS Denture: What are the differences between these two?


Dental implant vs denture, Today we are talking about it, which is a very common treatment people do when they missing a tooth. When you need to replace one or more missing teeth, you have a few options, to make a better choice we will explain about dental implant vs denture by compare it. It sure is uncomfortable to lose your teeth and it is hard to go on with your day without them. Well, we heard it a lot from our patients who came to us and considered these two options. Dental implant vs denture: What are the differences [...]

Dental Implant VS Denture: What are the differences between these two?2023-05-10T06:07:05+00:00
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