There were a research stated that 9 over 10 people are having dental problem here in Malaysia without them actually know it. Have you experienced any of these?

Patient Feedback
Dental Implant antara pilihan yang terbaik untuk mereka yang dah kehilangan gigi dan nakkan sensasi atau “feeling” yang sama dengan gigi asal. Macam Tuan Sharif yang datang baru ni, selama ni beliau cuma buat tampalan (Filing). Tapi bila sampai masa tampalan tercabut, memang sakit bila sisa makanan termasuk dalam gigi berlubang.
Tuan Sharif ambil keputusan untuk terus buat Dental Implant, dan dapat rasai semula nikmat makanan. Jadi, bagi anda yang ada masalah yang sama seperti Tuan Sharif, boleh terus berjumpa dengan Dentist berpengalaman kami untuk dapatkan khidmat nasihat.
Dental Education : A Need of Society
Dental education is lacking in society to the point that only 74.1% of adults are estimated to visit the dentist as often as they should. Frequent dental checkups and diligent oral care are essential for healthy living. Dentists need to raise awareness in society to promote action in those who are not taking dental hygiene seriously.
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